Annual Appeal 2020-2021
Appeal Letter from Riverstone Executive Director
Dear friends:
So many things have changed in the last several months – we’re all experiencing it. We’re here to remind you of some of the good things that have changed in the past months – Because of donations from people like you. Click the image below.
“All that?” YES! All that and more! We’ve got a nice long list below!
Though Riverstone’s doors are temporarily closed, thanks to our donors, staff has been able to pivot to the kind of services that seniors need from us NOW to stay healthy and connected NOW.
The “NOW” of the pandemic continues. Longer than many may have thought…
The isolation we all feel through this pandemic is amplified for seniors. And DONORS have helped reduce it through large and small donations to our work.
Will you please consider giving so our work may continue?
We wouldn’t ask if it weren’t so very necessary. We know this request comes at a difficult time, and…
We’re speaking for the seniors who say : “Thanks so much, for then and NOW. We need you more than ever.”
Thanks for your support,
Ilana Dunner, LCSW
Executive Director
PS – Give today by clicking this link. Consider passing this along to your friends who may care, as you, about the seniors who have given so much to our communities.
Past donations to Riverstone has truly helped seniors weather the pandemic storm, connect through the crippling isolation and stay as active as possible.
• Seniors are not hungry because DONORS helped us connect over 1500 seniors to resources for increased food security.
• Seniors are engaged and active because DONORS helped us create online activity programs for at-home seniors
• Families connect to caring support beyond their walls because DONORS have helped support staff who share a familiar voice, a smile, a virtual hug with 65 clients with memory loss every week. A simple call can reduce stress for the seniors AND their family caregiver.
• Caregivers are informed and communicating, because DONORS support our support groups.
• Caregivers and their loved ones find space for entertainment, because support from DONORS has brought them together for online “Memory Cafés” that affords them time to relax and not think about the stresses of the day.
• Seniors are busy creating because DONORS have supported our online art classes! See examples of art they have created.
• Seniors are cared for because DONORS donate to help staff facilitate benefits and connection for mental health, physical health and “friendly visits” for over 1000 seniors in the community.
• Seniors are expanding their worlds because DONORS have allowed us to broaden horizons for seniors participating in an online Spanish-Language literature discussion series.
We told you that donations go far! Can you add yours to the good work?
Ilana Dunner, LCSW, Executive Director