We help Ms. P. manage bills
Riverstone helps so many stay in their homes and community
Ms. P is 76 years old, an immigrant from the Dominican Republic who came to the United States in her 40s. She has been a widow for over a decade and lives alone in a one-bedroom rent stabilized apartment in Washington Heights. She shared that apartment with her late husband and worked for many years, first as a nanny for a family on the Upper East Side and then as a home attendant for over a decade. She worked until a year ago when she was diagnosed with vertigo and a neurological condition, making her unable to continue working. Having a very difficult time making ends meet financially, she came to Riverstone to seek help. A Riverstone social worker helped manage her bills and began budgeting her money with her, writing money orders for her Medicaid surplus, utilities, and her rent.
Riverstone’s social worker is an essential support
Ms. P’s social worker also applied for a monthly stipend from the Tuttle Fund so that Ms. P could continue to live in her home. Ms. P was approved for a small ongoing monthly grant from the Tuttle Fund and continues to come to Riverstone, on a monthly basis, to get help managing her bills and writing out money orders. Thanks to a strong support system, Ms. P is able to stay in her home and in the community for as long as she chooses.