Our Testimonials Speak for Themselves…
From a Caregiver
“Your program has offered [my mother] new friends and a staff that is so in tune with her needs. Though she still has difficulty getting up early on Mondays and Thursdays, she wouldn’t miss her days at the center for anything… I am deeply grateful to your staff for all you do. In these difficult times that my mother and I are sharing, she has been able to be part of a community again. I knew on my first visit [to Riverstone] that I had found the perfect place for her. Her life is fuller and happier, and her happiness means the world to me.”
From a Social Work Professor
“Having visited other centers, I can tell you that you have a service delivery model that truly reflects “cultural competence.” The stimulating, interesting and professional environment I witnessed during my visit has been a highlight for me. As I speak at different conferences across the nation, I cite your many outstanding abilities and programs as a model of leadership and services for vulnerable elderly from diverse communities.”
From a Concerned Friend
“I am writing to thank you, for helping to save a man’s life… Your agency helped him to find a new home [after erroneous eviction] where he can live safely with his companion animal. You also helped to unify our community in a common purpose… We have seen that a community can work together to help one of its members in need.”